Is being too comfortable even possible? It’s worth finding out in this reclining sofa and loveseat set. Wrapped in the plushest of neutral faux leather upholstery, it's perfectly cushioned in all the right places. We love the sofa's super-wide seating, with plenty of room for up to three. And its effortless reclining elevates your comfort level into the stratosphere.Is being too comfortable even possible? It’s worth finding out with the Laresview seating package. Wrapped in the plushest of neutral faux leather upholstery, it's perfectly cushioned in all the right places. We love its super wide seating—and the effortless reclining elevates your comfort level into the stratosphere.2 over 2 motion sofa with wide seating and 43" high back. Sophisticated Faux Leather printed woven suede has an amazing hand and outstanding durability. Dramatic cut and sew lines with jumbo stitching.